Produkcja kontenerów             Zatrudnimy spawaczy na bardzo korzystnych warunkach

Fabrikant van afvalcontainer voor bouw-en sloopafval                   Fabricant de bennes pour le marche francophone           +48 799 096 720

We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On Roll Off containers (RORO)
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On Roll Off containers (RORO)
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On Roll Off containers (RORO) and skip containers. All sizes and types.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On Roll Off containers (RORO)
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On/Roll Off containers (RORO)
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On Roll Off containers (RORO)
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On Roll Off containers (RORO)
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver Roll On Roll Off containers (RORO)
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland
We deliver skip containers, all sizes and types. Dimensions, equipment and color according to the customer's order.
Garbage Dumpsters and Waste Containers for Sale - Torkonstal Poland

Containers op maat nodig? Het bedrijf Torkonstal uit Polen ontwerpt en produceert elke container volgens uw verwachtingen.

Haakplatform- verschillende maten.

Haakplatform - Containers op maat

Haakcontainers voor graan. Diverse maten en extra uitrusting.

Haakcontainers voor graan

Wilt u extra functies zoals deuren, scheidingswanden of specifieke afmetingen? Wij maken het mogelijk. We schilderen de containers volgens de bestelling van de klant, er is een basiskleurenpalet om uit te kiezen RAL.

Voor meer informatie, bel ons +48 799 096 720 of schrijf een offerteaanvraag Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.

Haakarm containers
Haakarm containers
Haakarm containers

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